Greg Isola, genealogist

Genealogy and technology have been my dual interests for decades.

In business, I have used and developed technology solutions, as an employee of Target Corporation, as a contract consultant for various companies, and then as a contract employee of the Minneapolis Public Schools.

In my personal life, I have researched and recorded the stories of my family and many other individuals and families.  For the benefit of my own family, I will continue to publish the stories of our ancestors' lives.

For the next stage of my professional life — as part of my 2000-wk plan starting in 2017 — I have committed myself to continued research and publication, including great genealogy and immigration documentation projects.

Recent client research projects:

  • an estranged ancestor with a very common name
  • an ancestor born illegitimately
  • some Finnish/Native ancestry
  • both ancestral lines of a senior couple
  • investigate timeline of births for select previous generation √
  • the biological parents of an adoptee √
  • an estranged father's WWII records and experiences √
Greg Brandon Oct 2016 IMG_9699 161211 mod

Contact Greg Isola anytime.

See EVENTS information.

Background and experience in genealogy and research:

Please see the EVENTS page for details on specific select upcoming planned and possible events.

Contact me on email anytime Greg Isola